iwibdus Signature Event – Informal Networking ONLINE
iwibdus Signature Event – Informal Networking ONLINE
Signature Event – Informal Networking. Thursday, 30th March @7:30 pm ONLINE
Join our next informal networking event. This is an event where women from in and around Düsseldorf have the opportunity to meet other like-minded women.
These events are always fun and great to meet new people and make new connections. We have had several successful conversations where new business partnerships have come from these events, new mentoring relationships and even friendship!
Please come as these are an easy way to meet and greet the organisation and see what we do.
Register for free on Eventbrite
#iwibdus #womenrunbusinesses #networking #informalnetworking #meetinglikemindedwomen #düsseldorf #networkingdüsseldorf #womensupportingwomen #thetrailingwife #iwibdusevents #womensnetwork #choosetochallenge #womenleaders #communityofwomen #connectingwomen #womenhelpingwomen #düsseldorfwomensnetwork #releaxednetworking