Challenge Yourself to Communicate Better

  • 12:45 -13.00

iwibdus Festival

Let’s Connect, choose a challenge and let’s celebrate the International Women’s Day together

8th March, 8 Challenges

Challenge Yourself to Communicate Better

Interactive Game with Gabriela Georgiana Nicolae

Leadership Debate – Fun, engaging and brain stimulating activity on an critical topic in Leadership.

You will take home different perspectives on the discussed subject and a lot of fun!

EPIFOR (Everyone Participates in Facilitating Outstanding Results)

Gabi Nicolae is an expert in personality type hacks for effective individuals and teams. 

After studying Psychology, School Counselling and helping children for 6 years to find their voice, she followed her husband and she found herself in a new country, without speaking the language without any possibility to work. After a few months, she realised that the skills and knowledge she had developed over the years were still there, and she could use them to build another career. Like the Phoenix bird, she analysed her strengths and talents, used her creativity and persistence and rebirth from her own ashes.

Now she follows that path she built for herself.

She loves working with people and teams and she supports them achieve what they want faster than on their own




Mar 08 2021


12:45 pm - 1:00 pm

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