Writing for Creative Disruption with Fiona Leonard

Writing for Creative Disruption with Fiona Leonard

Writing for Creative Disruption is for people who have a burning desire to write but are not sure where to start, or those who have a project underway that they want to kick start. Most importantly it’s for people who want to use their writing to shake things up a bit (or a lot).

Across six in-person sessions, this course will encourage you to be brave in your writing. It will challenge you to rethink how you write, and to think more critically about how you read. We’ll talk about structure (in fiction and non-fiction) – what works and what needs an overhaul. We’ll explore finding your creative voice and we will be breaking lots of things including:

  • writing rules (especially the ones you don’t know you’re following)

  • expectations about what writing should look like; and

  • your inner critic’s hold on your writing process.

This is a hands-on course. You will be writing a lot. It is, however, a safe space where you can write without judgement. Where you can show up as you are and experiment. Where you can write something and throw it away or pull it apart or keep one word or one sentence or just the memory of what you have written.

This course is supported by International Women in Business Düsseldorf. Iwibdus is a non profit organisation that connects internationally-minded women from all backgrounds living in Düsseldorf.

Fiona Leonard is an author, playwright and award winning filmmaker. She self-published her first novel in 2009 and her second novel was published by Penguin RandomHouse in 2014. Her plays have been performed in five countries and in two languages.


Six in-person sessions: May 10, 17, 24, 31 June 7, 14


19.00 – 20.30

Class Size:

6 participants


€ 200 euro iwibudus members

€ 225 euro regular price

To register:

Registration is only confirmed upon receipt of payment.


May 10 2023


7:00 pm

