Thank you International School of Düsseldorf for inviting us to the Parent’s Activity Fair yesterday.
We had some amazing conversations with women, old and new to ISD, about their future career and business plans in Germany. iwibdus is there for women who want to explore what working in Germany could be like, what setting up a business could be and currently working women.
We loved speaking to new women about our passion project – International Women in Business Dusseldorf eV. We heard their stories about their “weird CVs” and figuring out how to work without a network in a new country. This is such a common feeling across the group and it was great to offer these women a solution to the problems of coming to a new country.
Luciana created some positive affirmations for the day and offered them to the crowd to take away to improve their day:
This network has changed many people’s lives and sometimes we have to feel a little proud about our part in that!
Like ISD, we love meeting people and helping them on their learning journey. #iwibdus#selfempowerment#internationalschooldusseldorf