Hello and welcome to the collection of links for the Menopause and peri menopause workshop. We hope you can star this blog and come back to it when you need to.
Details from Bridget:
UK based information:
Davina Mccall has a program (Sex, Myths & The Menopause) on Channel 4, UK TV, should be available online.
She also has a new book coming out In September 2022 called ‘Menopausing’.
There are lots of links for her about this subject on YouTube.
Louise Newsome is a doctor with a brilliant website. There are great pdf’s to download, newsletter to sign up to and the balance app, which is really helpful – https://www.newsonhealth.co.uk/
Links from Chris Menzel:
- https://www.ted.com/talks/jen_gunter_what_really_happens_to_your_body_during_menopause
- https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_mosconi_how_menopause_affects_the_brain
- https://ideas.ted.com/heres-what-women-should-eat-to-maintain-a-healthy-brain/
- https://www.ted.com/talks/andrea_berchowitz_the_link_between_menopause_and_gender_inequity_at_work
Associations etc.
Trainings and Coaching
Dr. Jennifer Gunter
- The Vagina Bible
- The Menopause Manifesto
Dr Susan Avery
- Understanding the menopause
Dr. Philippa Kaye
- The M Word
Dr. Lisa Mosconi
- The XX Brain
- Brain Food
- Jenny Éclair: Older and Wider
- Shirley Şherban https://youtu.be/AcVFtu-ZmmM
- https://musicalsontour.co.uk/menopause-the-musical-2/
- https://menopausethemusical.com/
German experts: